my spirit guide meditation

It's been a hot minute since I've written. I've been dealing with some stressful situations and depression... and therefore lack of motivation.

I've been trying meditation lately, though. I will typically listen to sleep meditations as I fall asleep. Yesterday evening, I decided to listen to this Spirit Guide meditation:

I know that meditation takes practice and there were a few times where I had to pull back my focus. But there were a couple key moments that I took from this meditation.

So, in the meditation, you're guided into a distant galaxy, to a castle in space where your spirit guides are waiting for you. I fly up to the castle, and I see beings with glowing indigo skin. They kind of reminded me of what CGI characters, but they turn into blue light. I don't really remember seeing that they had faces. It was almost like they had expressions, but not faces. As I approach them, I realize I have a white and yellow aura.

So, then next in the meditation, the guides take you to a pond where you sit with them in a boat. At this point, you're instructed to ask your spirit guides whatever information you're seeking. I asked "What do I bring to this world? What is my purpose?" (Such an overloaded and generic question, don't judge). They tell me it's to bring love and joy to those around me. Then I ask "How do I do that? What I'm doing now isn't working". Before I can even finish the question, they tell me "Find the water". Then, they continue to say "Be the sun.... you are the light".

Next, the meditation says that it's time to leave and that the boat is back to the shore and your guides then present you with a box. Inside of the box is a gift, to remind you that they are available. I open the box and inside is a pen. I just know that this means that to I need to channel knowledge through writing to bring love and joy to others.

From there, you're brought to the end of the meditation. As soon as I opened my eyes, I reach for the pen and paper next to me and begin writing. I also knew that I needed to refocus on blogging. It's frustrating because I know that at this point, no one is reading this... but maybe that will change and I will be able to help others. 


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